Host a Small Debate

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Fights Fragmentation: Like book clubs, hosting debates fosters diverse perspectives and community engagement.

In a digital sphere where debates often morph into a frenzy of keyboard clatters, stepping back into the calm, real-world aura of open debates can be a breath of fresh air. And we're not talking grand stages with glaring spotlights, but cozy, intimate settings where every voice matters, every perspective is seen and heard. Welcome to Small-Group Debunk, a haven for hearty debates and hearty laughs.

Imagine a warm, inviting room, a handful of eager minds, and the gentle hum of anticipation. At the heart of this setup are two individuals, their views as distinct as chalk and cheese. As the room settles into a hushed attention, the discourse begins. But here’s the magic - there's no room for loud rhetoric, only the earnest quest for understanding. When a statement seems like a cryptic puzzle, a simple "how so?" rings through the room, nudging for clarity, urging for understanding.

The essence of Small-Group Debunk is in its simplicity and its shift from digital noise to real, palpable conversations. It's about delving deep into discussions without the digital diversions, without the clatter of online clamor.


  1. Select the Subject: Pick topics that spark curiosity and differing viewpoints, yet resonate with your small community circle.

  2. Choose Your Champions: Identify two individuals with contrasting perspectives, ensuring they're open to a respectful, insightful discussion.

  3. Create the Cozy Corner: Select a quiet, comfy spot that fosters an atmosphere of open discourse. It could be a quaint café corner, a peaceful park spot, or a cozy living room.

  4. Moderate with Mindfulness: Have a neutral individual to moderate the discussion, ensuring the flow of conversation stays respectful, engaging, and on-topic.

  5. The 'How So?' Ritual: Encourage participants to seek clarity with the simple query - "how so?" It's about delving deeper into understanding, unraveling the layers of each viewpoint.

  6. Keep it Intimate: Embrace the essence of real, face-to-face interactions. Avoid digital platforms; let the dialogue flourish in the organic, undigitalized ambiance.

  7. Reflect and Reconnect: Post-debate, encourage reflections over a cup of coffee or a stroll, keeping the essence of open discourse alive and kicking.

Small-Group Debunk is not about grand gestures, but about small, meaningful dialogues that bridge gaps, that make the diverse tapestry of views a source of community strength. So, gather your group, set the stage for a hearty debate, and let the rhythm of respectful discourse beat the drum of community camaraderie.

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Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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