Create a Community Newsletter

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Fights Fragmentation and Diffusion: Community newsletters can break down centralized control over narratives and weaken the control over information distribution.

Ah, the beauty of a newsletter - the crisp, curated essence of what matters to a community, served straight to the inbox, away from the whirlpool of social media. Community newsletters can be where your neighborhood's heartbeat finds a rhythm, a melody in the form of a newsletter. It's where the digital and the local entwine, creating a channel of verified, valued information.

Imagine a Sunday morning, the aroma of fresh coffee in the air, as your community dives into the latest edition of Community Chronicles. It’s a blend of shared knowledge, local news, and collective wisdom, all bundled up in a neat, digital package. And the magic brewer behind this? Platforms like MailChimp or Constant Contact, lending their prowess to channel the voice of your community.

The process is as organic as it gets. Picture a lively Discord server, a buzzing hub where community members drop in news, views, and cues. As stories gather nods and votes, they find their way into the upcoming newsletter edition. It’s democracy in action, a collective sieve ensuring only the worthy nuggets make the cut.


  1. Platform Pick: Kickstart by choosing a newsletter platform like MailChimp or Constant Contact. With free options for budding communities, getting started is a breeze.

  2. Discord as the Drafting Board: Set up a Discord server (or similar platform) as the gathering ground for potential newsletter content. It’s where the community pitches in, votes, and voices their take on what should make the newsletter cut.

  3. Content Collection: Encourage members to share news, updates, and insights on the Discord server. Let the voting begin! As content gathers votes, it inches closer to the newsletter limelight.

  4. Newsletter Nurturing: Draft the newsletter, pulling in the top-voted content from Discord. It’s about keeping it real, relevant, and resonant with the community vibe.

  5. Peer Review Pitstop: Before hitting the send button, have a peer review in place. A set of fresh eyes to ensure accuracy and alignment with community values.

  6. Dispatch Day: Send out the newsletter to the community, heralding a fresh wave of collective insight and information.

  7. Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback on each edition, making room for continuous improvement and alignment with community ethos.

This isn’t just a newsletter; it’s a mirror reflecting the collective consciousness of your neighborhood. It’s about cutting through the digital clutter, offering a space where truth is valued over trends, where the community narrative thrives unadulterated. 

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Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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