Host a Community Unplugging

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Fights Disruption and Fragmentation: Communal unplugging breaks the routine influence of centralized institutions while building non-digital relationships in your community.

Picture this: a slice of time where the digital hum fades and the community vibes take center stage. It’s about scheduling pockets of tech-free time, where the neighborhood comes together, sans the glow of screens, and dives into a sea of face-to-face chats. Whether it’s hashing out local issues or simply shooting the breeze, it’s all about bringing back the old-school charm of community bonding.

Now, it’s not about going full-on caveman, but about dialing down the tech frenzy and dialing up the human connection. We’re talking designated spots where the community can huddle up, where conversations flow free without the digital leash. Formal, informal, debates or heart-to-hearts, it’s all fair game. No presentations, no tech shebang, just good ol’ conversations taking the limelight.

The essence? To make the dialogue a democratized dance, where everyone gets to strut their stuff, voice their thoughts, sans the tech curtain. It’s about bringing the conversation front and center, making it the heart of the community, not just another blip on the screen.


  1. Draft the Unplug Schedule: Collaborate with your community to carve out slots of communal unplug time. Could be a weekend morning or a weekday evening, find what vibes with the tribe.

  2. Spot the Spots: Identify cozy nooks within the community where folks can gather sans the tech dazzle. It’s about creating spaces that beckon for a hearty chat.

  3. Promote the Unplug: Spread the word about the communal unplug time, let folks know where to gather, when to gather, and the ethos behind it.

  4. Keep it Casual: Encourage a free-flowing format. Formal or informal, let the conversations take the lead, not the PowerPoint slides.

  5. Celebrate the Connect: Post-unplug, celebrate the sparks that flew, the ideas that sprouted, and the connections that blossomed. It’s about cherishing the human connect in the digital disconnect. Hey, you might even post about it. Using those channels to actually encourage people to log off is genius when done respectfully.

Communal Unplug is more than a break from the tech buzz; it’s a rendezvous with the core essence of community. It’s a toast to the authentic, unscripted dialogues that build bridges, spark ideas, and weave the social fabric tighter. So, let’s unplug to connect, let’s silence the pings to hear the people, let’s make conversations the hero, not the tech.

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Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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