Define Notification Norms

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Fights Disruption: Creating notification standards can break the habitual influence of centralized institutions.

In the buzzing beehive of our digital communities, notifications are the little buzzes that pull us back into the convo. But hey, not all buzzes are created equal, right? Whether you’re riding the waves of a Facebook group chat or navigating the chatty waters of WhatsApp, knowing when to hit that @everyone button versus when to cool the jets is key. And that, my friends, is what brewing up Notification Norms is all about.

Creating a communal vibe around when it's cool to send those nudge-nudge notifications in your own channels is like laying down the law of the digital land. It’s about building a consensus on what calls for a digital shout-out and what doesn’t. The goal? To prevent that notification bar from turning into a never-ending fireworks show and keep the real important stuff from getting lost in the noise.

It could be as simple as a group chat or as bustling as a Facebook group—the principle remains the same. Knowing the when, the why, and the how of notification etiquette keeps the digital convo flowing smooth and easy, without the unexpected jolts.


  1. Gather the Troops: Rally up your community members and spark up a dialogue on notification etiquette. It’s a group effort, so make sure everyone’s voice is heard.

  2. Draft the Norms: Based on the chatter, draft up some Notification Norms that resonate with everyone. What warrants an @everyone? What doesn’t? Pen it down.

  3. Spread the Word: Share the drafted norms in your channels, making sure everyone’s in the know. A pinned post or a shared doc could do the trick.

  4. Keep the Convo Going: Encourage folks to voice out if a notification felt out of line or if the norms need a little tweak. It’s a living dialogue, after all.

  5. Review and Revise: As the convo ebbs and flows, revisit the norms, tweak them if needed, and keep them fresh and in tune with the community vibe.

Cooking up Notification Norms is like setting the rhythm to the digital dance of your community. It keeps the convo grooving to a beat that everyone can jam to, without stepping on each other’s digital toes. So, let’s cut through the notification noise and tune into a vibe that resonates with everyone. It’s about making the digital space a place where everyone can vibe, one notification norm at a time!

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Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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