Use Screen Time

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Fights Disruption: By watching and managing screen time, you can break the addictive effects of platforms often controlled by centralized institutions.

In the digital playground where every app from YouTube to TikTok, Instagram to even your trusty email, are out playing tug-of-war for your attention, setting up some ground rules isn’t just smart, it’s necessary. These apps are built like candy stores, each interaction is a sweet lure to keep you scrolling, tapping, and yes, craving for more. Now, while there’s a lot of fun to be had, without some boundaries, it's easy to get lost in this digital fair. That’s where using screen time comes in, like a trusty leash to give you a good roam around while keeping you anchored.

Using screen time isn't about pointing fingers at your gadget love. Nope. It’s about tipping your hat to the cleverness of these apps while also laying down some law. It's acknowledging that these digital playgrounds have some sneaky hooks and deciding to set your playtime. It’s like saying, “I’ll roam around, but on my terms.”


  1. Dive into Screen Time: Hit up the screen time feature on your device. It’s like peeking behind the curtain to see where your time’s been trotting off to.

  2. Set Your Play Hours: Draw the lines of your digital playground. Decide when you wanna hop onto these apps and when you don’t, especially the ones you dash to for a quick mental recess.

  3. Pause Before Play: Before you plunge into an app, take a breather. Is this a mindful play or a mindless wander? Let screen time be your nudge, a gentle reminder of your play boundaries.

  4. Check the Play Log: Make it a vibe to check your screen time stats now and then. It’s like tracking your footprints in the digital sand, making sure you’re roaming where you wanna roam.

  5. Scheduled Recess: Carve out your digital recess, especially for those apps that are your go-to hideouts. It’s about enjoying the play, not getting lost in it.

Using screen time is like having your own digital sandbox where you get to call the play. It’s not about shunning the digital dazzle, but about enjoying the play while also having a safe shout back to reality. So, here’s to less mindless scrolling, more mindful playing, and a digital roam that’s got your back.

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Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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Technology Sabbatical Weekends