Use “Do Not Disturb”

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Fights Disruption: This tactic disrupts the constant flow of information, which is heavily controlled and influenced by centralized institutions.

The beauty of “Do Not Disturb” mode is in its simplicity. It’s like having a virtual bouncer that ensures no notification barges into your peace zone during the times you set. Most smartphones today come with this feature, a little protector that puts your phone on a low simmer, letting through only the calls or alerts you decide are worthy. It’s not about shunning the digital realm, but rather about choosing when to engage with it. It's about asserting that your time is your own, and not every app’s demand for attention warrants a response.

This opens us up for more non-digital connections, unhindered by digital distractions. It's a gentle nudge encouraging you to lift your eyes from the screen, to soak in the world around, to engage in hearty laughter, deep conversations, and to appreciate the melody of the present moment. More importantly, it keeps you from giving attention to things you’ve already decided aren’t worth your time.


  1. Navigate to the settings on your smartphone and laptop.

  2. Look for the 'Do Not Disturb' feature or something similarly named like 'Quiet Mode' or 'Focus Mode.'

  3. Set up the times when you want no disturbances. Customize who can reach you during these times, if at all.

  4. Embrace the peace that comes with it. Make it a daily ritual.

'Do Not Disturb' times are a break from the barrage of information, a pause that allows you to breathe, to think, to connect on a deeper level. It’s about creating a buffer between you and the digital frenzy, allowing for a respite, a chance to experience life outside the screen, to interact with the world in its raw, unfiltered beauty.

Evante Daniels

Author of “Power, Beats, and Rhymes”, Evante is a seasoned Cultural Ethnographer and Brand Strategist blends over 16 years of experience in innovative marketing and social impact.

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